HW7 has been posted.
HW6 has been posted.
HW5b - Python TSL has been posted.
Python Tips page is up.
HW5 has been posted.
HW4 has been posted.
HW3 has been posted.
HW2 has been posted.
Submission instructions for HW1 have been clarified
Submission instructions and tips for using SVN have been posted
HW1 has been posted.
It is no longer necessary to submit a printout of the helloworld.exe file
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Time and Location
Lecture: MWF 1:30-3:30pm, Ryerson 251
Lab: W 4:00-6:00pm Regenstein Library - Maclab
Course Staff
Instructor - Matthew Rocklin - mrocklin cs uchicago edu
Office Hours - M,F 11am-12pm in the Maclab. Additional hours announced in class on a week by week basis.
Graders - Luke Peeler, Joe Ellis
Listhost - e-mail questions to